Friday, July 1, 2011

.....fuck Canada.

I finally decided to watch some footage of the riots recently in Vancouver, and I could not help but think of my rant so many months back about why I hate sports culture, and moronic, selfish Canadian sports fans just backed up my assertion:

It was not only that I was livid because of these people's abject stupidity and complete disregard for 10,000 years of human civilization and development, it was something more. I felt a certain hatred I haven't felt in a long time. I've been keeping up with the riots in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Greece as of late, and the plight of those people is something I can understand, and with which I can sympathize, as corrupt governments continually sell out the interests of their people to let them squander in perpetual misery. But if you live in Vancouver, in one of the most comfortable nations on Earth, and a hockey team YOU DON'T PLAY FOR loses a few games and your only option is to start destroying your own city in addition to other people's cars and buildings, you are a worthless savage and your posturing arrogance that you're somehow glorious in your revelry of mindless and stupefying destruction is exactly what this world doesn't need any more of. It's certainly not the culture of sports that is to blame; these people are clearly idiots anyway, but the manner in which sports are given such a high priority in the modern North American world doesn't help the situation. It's 2011 and you're burning your own city over a fucking game? You're an idiotic lowlife, and it's people like you that make me completely in favor of abortion, euthanasia and eugenics.

There is some justice however:

And of course, praise to this level-headed (though clearly still drunk) gentleman talking some sense into these degenerates, and whoever stepped in to finish his inaccurate punch. Canada should give this man a medal, at the very least.

Fuck you, sports fans. Never heard of anyone rioting over a pro-wrestling match. Kind of funny that a fake sport designed for kids has more mature fans.

1 comment:

  1. "But if you live in Vancouver, in one of the most comfortable nations on Earth, and a hockey team YOU DON'T PLAY FOR loses a few games and your only option is to start destroying your own city in addition to other people's cars and buildings, you are a worthless savage and your posturing arrogance that you're somehow glorious in your revelry of mindless and stupefying destruction is exactly what this world doesn't need any more of."

