Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the heretic, part 2

(This was written in response to some criticism I received over my heretical belief that man-made climate change is a hoax. Of course I was attacked personally and asked sardonically if I also believed the Earth was flat because I question global warming's actuality. The original comments to me appeared as stereotypical liberal dogma with consensus reality being passed off as fact. I have yet to receive a response, so I feel like posting this here to bolster my previous rant; I apologize for any repetition.)

"Yes, there has been a plethora of global warming research in recent years, but once you see it for the political morass that it has become, you'll know you're not seeing the full story. Politicians and mass media have employed scare tactics and manipulated people's opinions to make the theory of man-made climate change dogmatic law. The origins of this can be seen during Margaret Thatcher's administration when the miners of England went on strikes nationwide. Her method of settling that issue was to demonize these industries as great polluters and the main cause of global warming, paying off scientists to prove just that. She then, in turn, promoted nuclear power to further combat the coal miners. This was of course after the short-lived scare over global cooling in 70's, when many scientists agreed that the Earth was facing an imminent crisis of another ice age due to human activities. There certainly hasn't been another ice age. But then the consensus changed because those in power forced it to be so. It was a political ploy then, and it is now.

I recommend to you this documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpWa7VW-OME&feature=related

Note that they're all accredited and respected scientist explaining why the current notion of climate change is a scam. There's no political pandering or agendas, just science. There's certainly no vindictive, scare-mongering liberal politician trying to tell you how to live. You may ask: "Well if they're so respected why isn't their opinion the general consensus?" Easy: there's no money to be made in the idea that the Earth is doing just fine. However, if people are convinced that we are facing a major catastrophe due to our actions that can be solved simply by purchasing the right things, then you've struck gold. People like Al Gore are making millions now that people are buying into campaigns with little to no credibility. The proponents of man-made climate change have used shaky science at best to persuade people to think this way, and they just eat it right up...like always.

So if the planet's alright, we would then have to face a very real crisis: that humanity can't even co-exist with itself, that people still kill each other over the most minute of reasons and we are going to save the Earth that's in no trouble in the first place? Preposterous. It's so much easier to think that we're going to save the world with hybrid cars and organic food than to face the reality of our own demise. It's a projection of our own fears of mortality, that we just love to attack. By the way, hybrid cars are filled with well over a hundred toxic batteries and far more fuel and resources are used in their construction and transportation than a normal car could burn up in its lifetime.

Now don't get me wrong, I think finding alternative energy sources is a good idea; we shouldn't be so wasteful and polluting of the Earth's natural beauty, but to cause panic amongst people by lying to them to get them to buy into your fallacious ideas? That's just shameful. (I don't mean you personally, "you" in the general sense.)

To answer your questions, no and no. I believe in science, reason and logic, not blind faith, hypocrisy and ignorance. Though I've noticed a penchant amongst liberals to instantly label those who disagree with their lofty principles as crazy, stupid, hateful, Fascistic, etc. And I am no conservative, They're just as bad, just as dogmatic, just as detached from reality.

Environmentalism has become fanatical, just like religions. Their word is law and all those who even question their supposed truths are heretics. Call me what you will, I will always question the decrees that come down from the government and mass media."

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