Friday, August 13, 2010

team spirit

I'm trying to understand the bearing of existence, the why's and the causes and the reciprocations, the weight of the world, gravity as fiction....right as my fingers are about to hit the keys and I'm informed that the Chicago Bears have signed a new defensive end. It's not suprising, how often a trviality of modern life intercepts the flow of internal electricity firing off in my frontal lobe where it arises out of the lower, reptilian brain stem.

And, to me, there is almost nothing more trivial, more crass, more inane, more stagnating than the modern sports culture of America. It bothers me, it disgusts me, and even frightens me a little bit to see the perpetual-mediocritizing of society by sports culture. Note: it's not the sports themselves, which I believe, in and of themselves, are an understandable (though not exactly necessary) aspect of civilization. But the culture that has arisen and is the mainstay surrounding sports today is just FUCKED.

Turn on Sportscenter sometime, or whatever overly-produced garbage you find. The denotation is that it's just news. People play sports, people are interested in sports, we'll report them to you. Connotatively, I pereceive: WATCH THIS GAME, be loud and obnoxious, lose yourself emotionally in a fake struggle of which you have absolutely no part other than the egregious amount of money you spent, drink beer (drink LOTS of beer, piss-beer, too, crafted by machines), think about sex you can't get, buy a new shiny truck or a sports car to deafen your thoughts (as you'll be insecure because you're a drunk fatass who can't get laid), support overpaid, overprivileged, ignorant, disturbingly egotistical man-sized babies because they can run fast or catch a ball or hit one, and don't forget to DRINK ALL THIS BEER and THINK ABOUT ALL THIS SEX, you stupid, mindless, beer-sweating, nacho cheese encrusted consumer waste of space.

It has become a cliche nowadays that sports take precedence to the father of the family. He needs his cold beer, his hotwings, and definitely needs to NOT BE BOTHERED by his fucking annoying, ugly wife, or gOD forbid, his idiotic children, whose lives are modeled after idealistic, yet wholly unrealistic and indecent, strangers through the perpetual mindfuck barrage of media and advertising.

And it's the marketing/advertising regime and the ignorant consumer that feed off each other, further dumbing down the average population. Many years ago said regime bought its way into the sports world and transformed into one of (if not the) the most widespread and captivating aspects of this culture. Over time they crafted the image that good Americans are dedicated sports fans, that is what we do. You will invest your emotions and your thoughts here, they shall not be wasted over contemplating reality, the mechanics of life, finding out who you think you are (the mind) and who you really are (the eternal consciousness), or traversing the natural, inhuman world. There is no time for that. There is only time for work (so you can have money to spend on things), school (so you can learn how to do that and join up with some life-affirming sports team that you may have structure), and buying things. And thanks to technology these days, not only do you have sports games and coverage on every major network, but many of them have other channels now dedicated entirely to sports, in addition to the standalone cable channels (which are all owned by the big networks anyway) which run nothing but sports programming. You have a whole channel for golf, a bullshit, elitist, racist, sexist, stuckup recreational activity. It's not even a sport. You have channels with nothing but motorsports, because we Americans love our entertainment loud, fast, and dangerous, and, who knows, someone might crash and explode in a ball glorious fire, and their suffering will be enjoyed and viewed over and over again on this network and countless others with sportscasters decrying it for the horror all the while someone on top's pockets are getting filled.

So enjoy the game. Don't think about life, the universe, and everything. Invest your (highly evolved, right?) mind, your emotions, your aspirations for those who compete in uniforms, those who don't give a shit about you, just pay up and will give you a show that you'll never be a part of, but are lost in anyway. Just get comfortable and gradually stagnate, where your only letdowns is a loss that means absolutely nothing. I've seen grown men more devastated by "their team" losing than by school shootings, serial murder, and infanticide. Sports culture is a behemoth, a giant, deafening, blinding distraction, and there seems to be no stopping people sucking it right up, in some crazed hope to fill all that emptiness made inevitable by modern life.

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