Taken from Facebook, these are the 15 albums that have influenced me the most up until this point in my life and beyond. The following are more important to me than most people I know.
maudlin of the Well - Bath
I remember reading about this band when I was a sophomore in highschool. I fired up Kazaa and attempted to download "Geography" and was able to hear the first few seconds but couldn't get the rest. The first few notes had an intriguing tone to them and I had to hear more. Luckily fellow S-Wood Academy alumnus Diego owned both this album and its counterpart, "Leaving Your Body Map". He let me borrow "Bath" and I listened to the whole thing in study hall that day. From the opening chords of the first track, "The Blue Ghost/Shedding Qliphoth", I was entranced by these unheard of musical expeditions into beauty and anguish; and they quoted William Blake and Final Fantasy in the liner notes. Toby Driver's music is unparalleled and continues to enrich my life to this day. My favorite. Ever.
"It hurts remembering/the fragrance of Heaven."
Metallica - Ride the Lightning
When I first heard "Ride the Lightning" in 8th grade, my favorite bands were Korn and Limp Bizkit (that was painful). This changed everything. It was my introduction to true metal and I became obsessed with this band for the next couple years. Whatever crap I was listening to at the time fell out of rotation and out of mind and was replaced by Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, etc. This is probably where my musical elitism began.
"Out for my own, out to be free."
Prodigy - The Fat of the Land
First CD I ever bought. And still throw it on occasionally, even though I hate techno.
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
Not sure what got me into this album considering at the time all I listened to was metal, but Dylan's gravelly, out of key voice fascinated me, as well his wild and exhausting lyrics. And his music stood apart from all that terrible hippie music of his era, and outsider music makes for the best.
"Now the winter time is coming. The windows are filled with frost.
I went to tell everybody but I could not get across."
Sex Pistols - Nevermind the Bollocks
Though I was anti-punk(rock) at the time (for whatever stupid reason, I was against a lot of music back in highschool), I enjoyed the hell out of this album. It's grimy and poorly-played but it planted the seeds for my later love of punk and hardcore.
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
"what once was is now lost"
Wandering snowy forests as night sets in during depressed teenage winters and this album makes perfect sense. Never heard anything quite as horrifying and meaningful as early Burzum. Varg's reputation and politics aside, he made some utterly profound music; I was forever changed. It's music like this that exposes the emptiness and frivolty of the modern world and alludes to the inimicability and infinite nature of reality.
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue
To many, this album wouldn't even sound like music, but to me it transcends the limits of musicality. It's a glimpse into eternal consciousness, which is the basis for my current philosophy. More importantly, I have very fond memories of riding alone at night (execpt for the Zebra or his brother) listening to "Amaranth the Peddler" and that being the best times I was having at that shitty point in my life. And Kayo Dot's music has nothing to do with this temporal, contrived world. This is musical perfection.
"almost condescending it looks on from inside/I feel strong this day will never wither"
Shearwater - Rook
Granted I think Palo Santo and the Golden Archipelago might be "better" albums, but I acquired this one through chance, as I have so many good albums when I worked at Border's (free promos were the best perk). I randomly grabbed it from the promo box and threw it on in the car on my lunch break. The first track is exceedingly quiet and subdued which made me turn the volume higher than I thought it was. About a minute in there is one of the loudest and most surprising crashes of music I've ever heard; it scared hell outta me. From then on my obsession for this band grew and in turn the next one on the list.
"well, i've had enough, wasting my body, my life i'll come away, come away from the shallows"
Okkervil River - The Stand Ins
It should make no sense that I like this band. Well, that's an understatement, because I fucking love this band and this album especially. It's sappy, melodramatic, and hipster-ish, but every track is a gem, and I don't know how many times "Blue Tulip" and "On Tour With Zykos" were playing in my car as I thought about heartbreak/stupidity. Will Sheff's dexedrine-inspired lyrics are beautifully executed and always hit your heart the right way. And this band and Shearwater catalyzed my interest in indie folk, but other than the next band on the list, there's no one quite as good in the genre.
"with every single inch of me I'm going to make you mean it
with every single cell of me I'm going to make you mean the words you sigh"
The Decemberists - Castaways and Cutouts
I avoided this band for a long time, just because I saw a picture of them on a magazine and immediately judged them as hipster assholes. Years later (thanks Pandora) I heard "Leslie Anne Levine" the first track on this album and I was immediately haunted by the music. Colin Meloy is a remarkable storyteller and, while appearing whimsical and innocuous on the surface, the subject matter ranges from ghost stories to murder to some seriously perverse tales ("A Cautionary Song"). "The Legionnare's Lament" played constantly the first few months of this year. One of my favorite songs ever.
"If only summer rain would fall
On the houses and the boulevard
And the side walk bagatelles its like a dream
With the roar of cars
And the lulling of the cafe bars
The sweetly sleeping sweeping of the Seine
Lord I don't know if I'll ever be back again..."
Until the End - Blood in the Ink
Considered lame by many, but this was the first hardcore I ever got into, and I was especially not into it at the time. Not sure why I like it. The lyrics can be really dumb at times and the music certainly isn't incredible but it's furious and dancy and just sounds right to me. Listened to it at least a hundred times and will continue to do so.
"With the concrete to my back, i finally feel free.
I have only one problem,
You're in the passenger seat.
I'm never looking back again, i've failed enough before.
Only one more problem before i go and i'm ending it right now.
I'm driving straight at this wall. I'm ending myself here.
My problems will be over soon because you're in the passenger seat.
Accelerate. Tempt fate."
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!
I first heard this about 6 years ago and I'm still blown away by how powerful this music is. To me, it sounds like Beethoven reborn in the modern world: music that struggles with itself to find the right voice to express a truth otherwise incommunicable. Sort of what my life is all about. This album reminds me, though, of a triumphant time in my life where everything, for a short while, was really really good. The first track "Storm" is music of explosive triumph and raging beauty beset by an ugly and harsh world. And they manage to do it with just a few notes in 3/4 times played methodically over and over until it can't go on, and just fades out. Everyone should hear this album at least once.
"they don't sleep anymore on the beach..."
Converge - Jane Doe
Another group that I strangely avoided for awhile and later realized I made a huge error. I would've obsessed over this album had I actually listened to it years ago. The title is perfect, the anonymous archetypal female who generated enough heartbreak and frustration to elicit an album as fiery and passionate as this one. "Abrasive" is an understatement for the vocals, but when you deal with said women, it makes perfect sense, along with the disorienting and violent music behind it. It cuts to the core of heartbreak and completely tears it out to start anew. It's easy to see that Converge has kept me afloat the past year or so. These lyrics sum up so much of that.
"And like that heart that got in the way
I'll become the lost cause
The child of burden and rage
Like the distance in your touch
Like the years we burned down
I heard that phone call
The hesitation, the awkward silence
I felt everything in those seconds
Splinters of sentence and heartless advice
Nothing's changed but these days entwined"
Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol. 1
The Technique (as I'm sure to many others) was a revelation to me in hip hop. This has absolutely nothing to do with hip hop that you would hear on the radio. He has a vitriolic hate that few can match, especially against popular rap music, that emphasizes nothing but bitches, money, cars, and shit-talking ego-stroking. This album explores the decay of modern society, the lies of the government and media, the rape and oppression of the third world, and the general public's stupidity of buying into commecialized garbage music. Totally rearranged my view on how effective this genre can be when the mc actually gives a shit about what he's saying; message before money. Again, something everyone should probably hear. "Dance With the Devil" is the rawest hip hop song ever written in my opinion. It's a frightening and grim view of living the life of someone who only cares about money and self-gratification. It's upsetting, but it needs to be heard.
"Some niggas dream of pushin kilos but I drop tons
with more facts formulatin philosophical logic
than a basement full of scientists puffin on chronic
dipped in mycopotassium cyanide and liquid bubonic
and use it as a sonic wand to find the spawn of the demonic"
Socially Retarded - 11 song cassette
I guess this isn't an album, per se, but it's better than most full lengths I've heard. This music describes my own frustrations and hostilities with frightening precision. It still weirds me out a little how exact the words here matched the words in my head. This isn't referential art, though, it's experiential, it's true in its anger and dissatisfaction. You're not being told about emotional alienation, you're living it with these songs. And I acquired this during a time when I was still dealing with people (as Carlin would say) that are stunningly and embarassingly full of shit. So strange to find such fulfillment in an nearly incomprehensible tapestry of hate-filled blastbeats and agonizingly sludgy beats. These songs speak to me like nothing else ever really has.
"I don't want to talk about sports
and I don't wanna hear about your new fucking boyfriend
I tried to go out and meet other people
but this just doesn't feel right"
"Don't forget the casual fake fucked smile
or gesture to compromise the fact
that you don't have the guts to open up your mouth hole"
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
crumbled seas
No one ever got Enlightened by thinking about it.
The roar of a dying engine pierces the cicada drone.
The war of everyday life needs new chapters,
cleansed with gasoline.
Monstrous apparitions still occlude my sight,
reflected in broken mirrors hung outside the walls.
No one wants in when they have to see
themselves naked and real.
Your beauty would be so complimented by the noose;
to hang out somewhere else besides
my brain for once. Maybe if you
would have left me the hell alone in the first place,
I wouldn't crave your anonymity.
I wouldn't curse your name over coffee,
then cry over it when the whiskey's poured.
I wouldn't slave hunched over keyboards
and phones excising out our remaining splinters.
But nothing leaves the head but by chance;
I'm stuck with this til I'm dead, but by then,
I'll already be gone.
servant to things that don't exist because of an underlying fear of purposelessness. - stars down to earth
that inconsistent friendless entity
clinging to lingering delusions
of manifested unrealities
one cannot thrive without living collusions
structure without meaning
action without reason
a temporary journey into an endless winter
buildings filled with hollow people
unfreezing in technology's cradle
my mind has eclipsed my existence
just a rusted machine
just an uncertain mess
believing I'm alive but it's only mechanics and wiring
maybe merrily I could disintegrate
reincorporated into a world that would never have me otherwise
in pieces lies the ability to see beyond the gross rendition
of what's really going on here
god in a lacking body
ascending to the moon on kerosene
I'm beginning to understand how ridiculous it is to be a human
who are we kidding to even be alive
and go about our meaningless lives
sucking the life out of everything
labeling, dividing, controlling, destroying
manipulation of mind matter and energy
avarice unexceeded by any creature
we love pointless pain and pleasure
the urge for satisfaction surpasses the will to love
sometimes the mind slips
and we can actually see how extemporaneous the world before our eyes really is
and how goddamn pointless the modern world is
that we have no fucking idea what we're doing where we're going
we're just building crazy shit and filling the world with stuff
no reasonable species could ever need
(and me writing this in verse
another deranged human)
put yourself in a trance and find out who you actually are
you existed before this planet did
you will carry on after it stretches into singularity
or freezes over and crumbles into dust
the same energy incorporating all layers of reality
will continue spiraling around this inconceivable universe
and we'll just swirl around with it
in vast oceans of consciousness
in eternal darkness filled exploding with invisible life
The roar of a dying engine pierces the cicada drone.
The war of everyday life needs new chapters,
cleansed with gasoline.
Monstrous apparitions still occlude my sight,
reflected in broken mirrors hung outside the walls.
No one wants in when they have to see
themselves naked and real.
Your beauty would be so complimented by the noose;
to hang out somewhere else besides
my brain for once. Maybe if you
would have left me the hell alone in the first place,
I wouldn't crave your anonymity.
I wouldn't curse your name over coffee,
then cry over it when the whiskey's poured.
I wouldn't slave hunched over keyboards
and phones excising out our remaining splinters.
But nothing leaves the head but by chance;
I'm stuck with this til I'm dead, but by then,
I'll already be gone.
servant to things that don't exist because of an underlying fear of purposelessness. - stars down to earth
that inconsistent friendless entity
clinging to lingering delusions
of manifested unrealities
one cannot thrive without living collusions
structure without meaning
action without reason
a temporary journey into an endless winter
buildings filled with hollow people
unfreezing in technology's cradle
my mind has eclipsed my existence
just a rusted machine
just an uncertain mess
believing I'm alive but it's only mechanics and wiring
maybe merrily I could disintegrate
reincorporated into a world that would never have me otherwise
in pieces lies the ability to see beyond the gross rendition
of what's really going on here
god in a lacking body
ascending to the moon on kerosene
I'm beginning to understand how ridiculous it is to be a human
who are we kidding to even be alive
and go about our meaningless lives
sucking the life out of everything
labeling, dividing, controlling, destroying
manipulation of mind matter and energy
avarice unexceeded by any creature
we love pointless pain and pleasure
the urge for satisfaction surpasses the will to love
sometimes the mind slips
and we can actually see how extemporaneous the world before our eyes really is
and how goddamn pointless the modern world is
that we have no fucking idea what we're doing where we're going
we're just building crazy shit and filling the world with stuff
no reasonable species could ever need
(and me writing this in verse
another deranged human)
put yourself in a trance and find out who you actually are
you existed before this planet did
you will carry on after it stretches into singularity
or freezes over and crumbles into dust
the same energy incorporating all layers of reality
will continue spiraling around this inconceivable universe
and we'll just swirl around with it
in vast oceans of consciousness
in eternal darkness filled exploding with invisible life

Monday, August 16, 2010
a cloud of contempt hanging over me
Station's Creation, Hate, Sick/Tired, Ceremony @ Ronny's, 8/15/2010
Few shows this year have I been waiting so intently for. To my ignorant, noob ears, Ceremony sounds exactly like a hardcore band should nowadays, a perfect fusion of the genre's varying styles. The lyrics and music seethe an unparalleled bitterness, replete with all the frustrations of some alienated kids just trying to be heard in a perpetually noisier society trying to drown us all out. And I just knew a band with lyrics like "fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" would provide maximum fun and violence.
Peach and I got there around 3 (4pm start, for whatever reason) to find we couldn't get in the doors yet, so in the oppressive heat we stood for awhile, smoking and whatnot. Two people begat conversation with us over my Seraphim shirt, this one guy Trevor who's actually from their hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi, which I would never relate to hardcore, but Seraphim is one of the best bands I've heard recently. We caught them at the Nachos record release a few weeks prior, and I believe the 15 or so of us that actually watched them are now all serious fans. They're a strange mix (never thought I'd see keyboards at the Albion house) of Mouth of the Architect-style trance metal, post-rock melodics, and sludgy, raging hardcore. I was told they drove from Georgia to Chicago that day and drove back after the show, just to play that one set. That's fucking dedication. Get their EP's. Right now.
After awhile, Varg comes walking up, in those ridiculous hot pink shorts that I'm pretty sure he's been wearing every time I've seen him this summer. We all had some time to kill before the show, and I was a little stoned and a little spun, so I figured might as well throw some alcohol in the mix. We sat at the bar sipping on PBR waiting for Station's to go on. They were actually added on kinda last minute as Punch had to cancel due to the singer's broken foot.
Walked into the boilerroom that is Ronny's and saw very few recognizable faces, Caution and Robbie was about it. My guess is most of these people only come out for "big" names like Ceremony but ignore all the local shit. Now I'm still pretty new to all this so I'm not going to be a judgemental prick and decry people for being selective in their attendance. But it's always good to see more and new faces at the smaller house shows.
Anyhow, SC was up first. They're from Dekalb and play a more basic hardcore, eschewing the more trendy powerviolence aesthetics and spastic fury that's so common in Chicago nowadays in favor of a a more melodic sound. Some of the anonymous punks were getting into it, moshing in that goonish style of just throwing each other and having shoving contests apparently. There was some actual moshing, too, right near the end of "Scene Stealer" when the music stops and Connor belts out "You stole my fucking sceeeeeeeeennnnneee!" It was a good set, and say whatever you want about this band, but one thing that shouldn't be doubted is (singer) Connor's commitment to hardcore; he's reliable as fuck.
Their set ended, so I checked out the merch table and grabbed me the new Ceremony shirt that says "every day i'm suffering". I felt that was apt. I also picked up issues 3&4 of Left Four Dead and the free Sawchuk demo (which was surprisingly good). Back to the bar we went for another PBR.
Hate from Chicago (not Poland) were up next. I remember seeing them over the winter @ Albion and not enjoying their set very much. It just seemed like a wall of noise with nothing interesting musically going on underneath it all. Looking back, I just wasn't hearing it right, because Hate tore shit apart at Ronny's. The singer's voice is demonic to say the least and the music behind it was just savage. There was decent moshing all around up until the last song. The singer announced that last time they played a cover "no one moved, and it sucked". He unleashed a vicious scream then started up "Guilty of Being White" and the crowd just lost their fucking mind, stagedives and a rumble for the one mic that got thrown everywhere. This crowd especially got some amazing dives and people so precariously balancing on one another without collapsing was a sight to see. Peach got this all on video btw. TheCthulhuCalling on youtube. Search that shit, fuckers. This set totally changed my mind on Hate. Quality band.
Vargles and I proceeded back to the bar. I wished I could've gotten wasted, especially for sick/tired, but my funds were limited, so I just tried to maintain my half a buzz. Being belligerently drunk for sick/tired just makes sense, though. This was my 5th time seeing Dekalb's finest grindcore band in action. Those first two times at the 7th Street Space in Dekalb were both absolutely insane, beer and destruction everywhere. They opened for Capitalist Casualties a few months back and they arguably stole the show that night. But no one moved for their last Chicago show and no one did here either. Which is total bullshit, this band rips. I'm still dumbfounded by Bello's relentlessly abrasive vocals, Converge-style, but I swear I never see that kid without a cigarette. How are you not coughing up blood onstage? The guitarist Gonzo looks like he's being electrocuted while he's playing, twitching his head all over the place. They closed with "Banishment", which didn't sound so great in the venue, but on vinyl is becoming one of my favorite metal songs ever. Get their album, too.
I think I grabbed one more beer and chugged it right down because I was not missing any of Ceremony. I thought maybe a few more familiar faces might show up, but I was in the pit with no one I knew except Varg. As they were tuning up, the guitarist put on some very effeminate arm stockings (I guess) and the bassist a ridiculous multi-colored leather jacket with a huge "8" on the back. They opened with "Sick" and immediately the moshing began. After a few runs I stood to the side of the pit, where people diving was pretty much nonstop....until no one caught that one guy at the very end of the song. He hit the top of his head on the ground from about 6 feet up. He was out cold for a few seconds and the set stopped, the band came down and Joe Lifeline called an ambulance. People gathered around him, of course wanting to see what happened. After a minute or two he sat up, that empty expression in his eyes. Then we could all see the gash going across his nearly-bald head. That was definitely a concussion, maybe brain damage. He stood up and looked like he wanted to stay in the pit, but Ceremony's drummer told him he needed to leave, and that it was alright. Out he went and the show went on. It was constant brutality on the floor and they played all the best cuts from "Violence Violence": "Pressure's Always On", "This is My War", etc. The singer got way into it, going out in the crowd, handing off the mic, even holding people and serenading them during the "slow song". They ended with "Kersed" and everyone just lost it. At one point, I actually had two people, one on each shoulder, and I was somehow able to balance them for that few moments. I got up onstage as everyone was grabbing for the mic screaming in unison "their words will never be a part of this cursed fucking town/so we stand amongst ourselves, watch it burn to the ground". I was trying to get at the mic when the singer grabbed my head and shoved my face right up to it. In that moment, right as the words finished, I had gotten the crazy idea in my head to stagedive for the first time, but right as I was about to, the crowd shifted and I knew I would have fucked myself up real bad, so I just ran down instead and barreled through 5 or 6 people. Too bad Varg ended up right next to me at that point, because if he was on the other side I was just going to run full speed at him and kill the crowd surrounding him. Next time, hopefully. And to the dude wearing the Duress shirt over his face like a terrorist: I back that.
Overall, awesome show. Ceremony was just as good, if not better, than I thought they were going to be. The other 3 bands were not disappointing in the slightest. Ronny's isn't all that great though. It's WAY too hot in there, you can't bring booze in even though the bar is connected, they're uptight about where you smoke outside, and it's too fucking hot in there (it bore repeating). Of course there's no bouncers though, so anything goes pitwise. I can't wait to see all these bands again.
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCthulhucalling#p/a Videos soon. Peach, I see you.
Few shows this year have I been waiting so intently for. To my ignorant, noob ears, Ceremony sounds exactly like a hardcore band should nowadays, a perfect fusion of the genre's varying styles. The lyrics and music seethe an unparalleled bitterness, replete with all the frustrations of some alienated kids just trying to be heard in a perpetually noisier society trying to drown us all out. And I just knew a band with lyrics like "fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" would provide maximum fun and violence.
Peach and I got there around 3 (4pm start, for whatever reason) to find we couldn't get in the doors yet, so in the oppressive heat we stood for awhile, smoking and whatnot. Two people begat conversation with us over my Seraphim shirt, this one guy Trevor who's actually from their hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi, which I would never relate to hardcore, but Seraphim is one of the best bands I've heard recently. We caught them at the Nachos record release a few weeks prior, and I believe the 15 or so of us that actually watched them are now all serious fans. They're a strange mix (never thought I'd see keyboards at the Albion house) of Mouth of the Architect-style trance metal, post-rock melodics, and sludgy, raging hardcore. I was told they drove from Georgia to Chicago that day and drove back after the show, just to play that one set. That's fucking dedication. Get their EP's. Right now.
After awhile, Varg comes walking up, in those ridiculous hot pink shorts that I'm pretty sure he's been wearing every time I've seen him this summer. We all had some time to kill before the show, and I was a little stoned and a little spun, so I figured might as well throw some alcohol in the mix. We sat at the bar sipping on PBR waiting for Station's to go on. They were actually added on kinda last minute as Punch had to cancel due to the singer's broken foot.
Walked into the boilerroom that is Ronny's and saw very few recognizable faces, Caution and Robbie was about it. My guess is most of these people only come out for "big" names like Ceremony but ignore all the local shit. Now I'm still pretty new to all this so I'm not going to be a judgemental prick and decry people for being selective in their attendance. But it's always good to see more and new faces at the smaller house shows.
Anyhow, SC was up first. They're from Dekalb and play a more basic hardcore, eschewing the more trendy powerviolence aesthetics and spastic fury that's so common in Chicago nowadays in favor of a a more melodic sound. Some of the anonymous punks were getting into it, moshing in that goonish style of just throwing each other and having shoving contests apparently. There was some actual moshing, too, right near the end of "Scene Stealer" when the music stops and Connor belts out "You stole my fucking sceeeeeeeeennnnneee!" It was a good set, and say whatever you want about this band, but one thing that shouldn't be doubted is (singer) Connor's commitment to hardcore; he's reliable as fuck.
Their set ended, so I checked out the merch table and grabbed me the new Ceremony shirt that says "every day i'm suffering". I felt that was apt. I also picked up issues 3&4 of Left Four Dead and the free Sawchuk demo (which was surprisingly good). Back to the bar we went for another PBR.
Hate from Chicago (not Poland) were up next. I remember seeing them over the winter @ Albion and not enjoying their set very much. It just seemed like a wall of noise with nothing interesting musically going on underneath it all. Looking back, I just wasn't hearing it right, because Hate tore shit apart at Ronny's. The singer's voice is demonic to say the least and the music behind it was just savage. There was decent moshing all around up until the last song. The singer announced that last time they played a cover "no one moved, and it sucked". He unleashed a vicious scream then started up "Guilty of Being White" and the crowd just lost their fucking mind, stagedives and a rumble for the one mic that got thrown everywhere. This crowd especially got some amazing dives and people so precariously balancing on one another without collapsing was a sight to see. Peach got this all on video btw. TheCthulhuCalling on youtube. Search that shit, fuckers. This set totally changed my mind on Hate. Quality band.
Vargles and I proceeded back to the bar. I wished I could've gotten wasted, especially for sick/tired, but my funds were limited, so I just tried to maintain my half a buzz. Being belligerently drunk for sick/tired just makes sense, though. This was my 5th time seeing Dekalb's finest grindcore band in action. Those first two times at the 7th Street Space in Dekalb were both absolutely insane, beer and destruction everywhere. They opened for Capitalist Casualties a few months back and they arguably stole the show that night. But no one moved for their last Chicago show and no one did here either. Which is total bullshit, this band rips. I'm still dumbfounded by Bello's relentlessly abrasive vocals, Converge-style, but I swear I never see that kid without a cigarette. How are you not coughing up blood onstage? The guitarist Gonzo looks like he's being electrocuted while he's playing, twitching his head all over the place. They closed with "Banishment", which didn't sound so great in the venue, but on vinyl is becoming one of my favorite metal songs ever. Get their album, too.
I think I grabbed one more beer and chugged it right down because I was not missing any of Ceremony. I thought maybe a few more familiar faces might show up, but I was in the pit with no one I knew except Varg. As they were tuning up, the guitarist put on some very effeminate arm stockings (I guess) and the bassist a ridiculous multi-colored leather jacket with a huge "8" on the back. They opened with "Sick" and immediately the moshing began. After a few runs I stood to the side of the pit, where people diving was pretty much nonstop....until no one caught that one guy at the very end of the song. He hit the top of his head on the ground from about 6 feet up. He was out cold for a few seconds and the set stopped, the band came down and Joe Lifeline called an ambulance. People gathered around him, of course wanting to see what happened. After a minute or two he sat up, that empty expression in his eyes. Then we could all see the gash going across his nearly-bald head. That was definitely a concussion, maybe brain damage. He stood up and looked like he wanted to stay in the pit, but Ceremony's drummer told him he needed to leave, and that it was alright. Out he went and the show went on. It was constant brutality on the floor and they played all the best cuts from "Violence Violence": "Pressure's Always On", "This is My War", etc. The singer got way into it, going out in the crowd, handing off the mic, even holding people and serenading them during the "slow song". They ended with "Kersed" and everyone just lost it. At one point, I actually had two people, one on each shoulder, and I was somehow able to balance them for that few moments. I got up onstage as everyone was grabbing for the mic screaming in unison "their words will never be a part of this cursed fucking town/so we stand amongst ourselves, watch it burn to the ground". I was trying to get at the mic when the singer grabbed my head and shoved my face right up to it. In that moment, right as the words finished, I had gotten the crazy idea in my head to stagedive for the first time, but right as I was about to, the crowd shifted and I knew I would have fucked myself up real bad, so I just ran down instead and barreled through 5 or 6 people. Too bad Varg ended up right next to me at that point, because if he was on the other side I was just going to run full speed at him and kill the crowd surrounding him. Next time, hopefully. And to the dude wearing the Duress shirt over his face like a terrorist: I back that.
Overall, awesome show. Ceremony was just as good, if not better, than I thought they were going to be. The other 3 bands were not disappointing in the slightest. Ronny's isn't all that great though. It's WAY too hot in there, you can't bring booze in even though the bar is connected, they're uptight about where you smoke outside, and it's too fucking hot in there (it bore repeating). Of course there's no bouncers though, so anything goes pitwise. I can't wait to see all these bands again.
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCthulhucalling#p/a Videos soon. Peach, I see you.
Friday, August 13, 2010
team spirit
I'm trying to understand the bearing of existence, the why's and the causes and the reciprocations, the weight of the world, gravity as fiction....right as my fingers are about to hit the keys and I'm informed that the Chicago Bears have signed a new defensive end. It's not suprising, how often a trviality of modern life intercepts the flow of internal electricity firing off in my frontal lobe where it arises out of the lower, reptilian brain stem.
And, to me, there is almost nothing more trivial, more crass, more inane, more stagnating than the modern sports culture of America. It bothers me, it disgusts me, and even frightens me a little bit to see the perpetual-mediocritizing of society by sports culture. Note: it's not the sports themselves, which I believe, in and of themselves, are an understandable (though not exactly necessary) aspect of civilization. But the culture that has arisen and is the mainstay surrounding sports today is just FUCKED.
Turn on Sportscenter sometime, or whatever overly-produced garbage you find. The denotation is that it's just news. People play sports, people are interested in sports, we'll report them to you. Connotatively, I pereceive: WATCH THIS GAME, be loud and obnoxious, lose yourself emotionally in a fake struggle of which you have absolutely no part other than the egregious amount of money you spent, drink beer (drink LOTS of beer, piss-beer, too, crafted by machines), think about sex you can't get, buy a new shiny truck or a sports car to deafen your thoughts (as you'll be insecure because you're a drunk fatass who can't get laid), support overpaid, overprivileged, ignorant, disturbingly egotistical man-sized babies because they can run fast or catch a ball or hit one, and don't forget to DRINK ALL THIS BEER and THINK ABOUT ALL THIS SEX, you stupid, mindless, beer-sweating, nacho cheese encrusted consumer waste of space.
It has become a cliche nowadays that sports take precedence to the father of the family. He needs his cold beer, his hotwings, and definitely needs to NOT BE BOTHERED by his fucking annoying, ugly wife, or gOD forbid, his idiotic children, whose lives are modeled after idealistic, yet wholly unrealistic and indecent, strangers through the perpetual mindfuck barrage of media and advertising.
And it's the marketing/advertising regime and the ignorant consumer that feed off each other, further dumbing down the average population. Many years ago said regime bought its way into the sports world and transformed into one of (if not the) the most widespread and captivating aspects of this culture. Over time they crafted the image that good Americans are dedicated sports fans, that is what we do. You will invest your emotions and your thoughts here, they shall not be wasted over contemplating reality, the mechanics of life, finding out who you think you are (the mind) and who you really are (the eternal consciousness), or traversing the natural, inhuman world. There is no time for that. There is only time for work (so you can have money to spend on things), school (so you can learn how to do that and join up with some life-affirming sports team that you may have structure), and buying things. And thanks to technology these days, not only do you have sports games and coverage on every major network, but many of them have other channels now dedicated entirely to sports, in addition to the standalone cable channels (which are all owned by the big networks anyway) which run nothing but sports programming. You have a whole channel for golf, a bullshit, elitist, racist, sexist, stuckup recreational activity. It's not even a sport. You have channels with nothing but motorsports, because we Americans love our entertainment loud, fast, and dangerous, and, who knows, someone might crash and explode in a ball glorious fire, and their suffering will be enjoyed and viewed over and over again on this network and countless others with sportscasters decrying it for the horror all the while someone on top's pockets are getting filled.
So enjoy the game. Don't think about life, the universe, and everything. Invest your (highly evolved, right?) mind, your emotions, your aspirations for those who compete in uniforms, those who don't give a shit about you, just pay up and will give you a show that you'll never be a part of, but are lost in anyway. Just get comfortable and gradually stagnate, where your only letdowns is a loss that means absolutely nothing. I've seen grown men more devastated by "their team" losing than by school shootings, serial murder, and infanticide. Sports culture is a behemoth, a giant, deafening, blinding distraction, and there seems to be no stopping people sucking it right up, in some crazed hope to fill all that emptiness made inevitable by modern life.
And, to me, there is almost nothing more trivial, more crass, more inane, more stagnating than the modern sports culture of America. It bothers me, it disgusts me, and even frightens me a little bit to see the perpetual-mediocritizing of society by sports culture. Note: it's not the sports themselves, which I believe, in and of themselves, are an understandable (though not exactly necessary) aspect of civilization. But the culture that has arisen and is the mainstay surrounding sports today is just FUCKED.
Turn on Sportscenter sometime, or whatever overly-produced garbage you find. The denotation is that it's just news. People play sports, people are interested in sports, we'll report them to you. Connotatively, I pereceive: WATCH THIS GAME, be loud and obnoxious, lose yourself emotionally in a fake struggle of which you have absolutely no part other than the egregious amount of money you spent, drink beer (drink LOTS of beer, piss-beer, too, crafted by machines), think about sex you can't get, buy a new shiny truck or a sports car to deafen your thoughts (as you'll be insecure because you're a drunk fatass who can't get laid), support overpaid, overprivileged, ignorant, disturbingly egotistical man-sized babies because they can run fast or catch a ball or hit one, and don't forget to DRINK ALL THIS BEER and THINK ABOUT ALL THIS SEX, you stupid, mindless, beer-sweating, nacho cheese encrusted consumer waste of space.
It has become a cliche nowadays that sports take precedence to the father of the family. He needs his cold beer, his hotwings, and definitely needs to NOT BE BOTHERED by his fucking annoying, ugly wife, or gOD forbid, his idiotic children, whose lives are modeled after idealistic, yet wholly unrealistic and indecent, strangers through the perpetual mindfuck barrage of media and advertising.
And it's the marketing/advertising regime and the ignorant consumer that feed off each other, further dumbing down the average population. Many years ago said regime bought its way into the sports world and transformed into one of (if not the) the most widespread and captivating aspects of this culture. Over time they crafted the image that good Americans are dedicated sports fans, that is what we do. You will invest your emotions and your thoughts here, they shall not be wasted over contemplating reality, the mechanics of life, finding out who you think you are (the mind) and who you really are (the eternal consciousness), or traversing the natural, inhuman world. There is no time for that. There is only time for work (so you can have money to spend on things), school (so you can learn how to do that and join up with some life-affirming sports team that you may have structure), and buying things. And thanks to technology these days, not only do you have sports games and coverage on every major network, but many of them have other channels now dedicated entirely to sports, in addition to the standalone cable channels (which are all owned by the big networks anyway) which run nothing but sports programming. You have a whole channel for golf, a bullshit, elitist, racist, sexist, stuckup recreational activity. It's not even a sport. You have channels with nothing but motorsports, because we Americans love our entertainment loud, fast, and dangerous, and, who knows, someone might crash and explode in a ball glorious fire, and their suffering will be enjoyed and viewed over and over again on this network and countless others with sportscasters decrying it for the horror all the while someone on top's pockets are getting filled.
So enjoy the game. Don't think about life, the universe, and everything. Invest your (highly evolved, right?) mind, your emotions, your aspirations for those who compete in uniforms, those who don't give a shit about you, just pay up and will give you a show that you'll never be a part of, but are lost in anyway. Just get comfortable and gradually stagnate, where your only letdowns is a loss that means absolutely nothing. I've seen grown men more devastated by "their team" losing than by school shootings, serial murder, and infanticide. Sports culture is a behemoth, a giant, deafening, blinding distraction, and there seems to be no stopping people sucking it right up, in some crazed hope to fill all that emptiness made inevitable by modern life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
not-so-Big Wheel
This needs to be more about mosh tales and music.
Duress is on their "final" tour before Matt & Melanie depart for Shangri-la. Their set on 6/28@Kostner House was one of the very best times I've had at a show in a year, which is how long I've been into hardcore now. So I have, by far, the least amount of experience and knowledge in this field in comparison to everyone else at a show. But I digress.
Traffic was shit from Roselle to KH and Peach, Scotty and I arrived right as Colour Wolf (klr wlv, formerly Strange Wool) was about to start. This new supergroup consists of Matt, Melanie, and Mike from Duress on bass, guitar, and drums respectively, and los Hermanos Campos, Spider on the mic, Varg on the guitar. I've known HC forever and this was the first I ever got to see them play live together. Spider had his t-shirt tucked into some worn-in gym shorts, a crazed but calm look on his face.

"We are Colour WOLF" he began in typical Spider intonation. I was told later they sounded sloppy but I think they were spot on, even if they were fucking up. The noise began along with Spider dancing and mule-kicking like a maniac. The first lyrics ended up being screamed inches from my face while Adam grabbed my shirt like I was in for a beatdown. I had no idea what he was saying and hadn't even heard any of their songs up to that point. The next 4 minutes were a blur of swinging fists and Spider's insane vocals. Less than a minute in, EvanB smashed someone's nose (Schuman I think) and blood was drawn. I was trying to mosh and got in some good runs, but was staying clear of Adam's feet which were usually speeding right past my testicles. He played futbol for a long time; that's just bad news. At some point I did hit my face on Melanie's guitar, but the very top of it, where it's pointed. That swelled up nice over the next couple days. And before I knew it, after 4 songs their set was over. I gathered myself and was making my way out where I saw a sweaty Varg lighting up a corncob pipe, a picturesque moment. I told him it was "alright". He ignited a firecracker and threw it at me.
We spent the next couple hours in the perfect June weather drinking PBR and smoking all sorts of dope and cigarettes. Organized Sports from Portland played a bit later and fuck were they good. There was little moshing but I think it was their first time out here and people just seemed to be enjoying the first impression.
After their set, I took a walk to the car to ditch my smokes, lest they be crushed by stampeding straight edge kids. As I was walking along the side of the house I could hear a discussion between members of two particular bands, and it was heating up. By the time I walked back, it was a full-on shouting match. And it was over issues that began months ago, because of a certain flyer for a certain record release show. Like I said, I'm still pretty new to this so I'm not exactly qualified to comment on this beef but conflict is just interesting, and I wouldn't turn away from a public argument. It's a shame that friends divide over such things, but I respect people for standing behind what they say. So I was glad that Matt came in and ended that shit and proceeded directly to the basement to start the second-to-last Duress show in Chicago. And what better way to prompt a Duress set than a heated argument? Mike and Crucial Kyle were tuned up, letting the feedback bleed out from the amps, creating that abrasive atmosphere of impending destruction that I've come to love at shows. Melanie picked up her bass, Matt his mic: "I'm 25 years old! I don't have a fucking job and I live with my parents!"
Then the riot began. The only songs I specifically remember hearing were "Asshole" somewhere in the middle and "Spider" as their closer. The crowd (the few that came and could actually fit in that basement) was moshing belligerently, perhaps because we all knew this era was coming to an end. Ha, "era", like I've been around for SO LONG, like I'm some fucking historian. But that was kind of how it felt. The set seemed just a big "fuck off" to all those that turned on Duress in judgement and those that never liked 'em to begin with. If I had time to think in this moshpit, that's probably what would've been on my mind, all those people I once thought highly of or believed in, but who turned out to fail me instead. At one point, I put someone in a headlock and wrung them around; Diego, maybe. If so, my bad, dude, I was caught up in the moment. But after the next song, Matt called out Diego on the mic, who was now in the corner conversing with a female. "Diego's having real talk WITH A GIRL!" Music played and Matt literally fucking attacked him and ended up on all fours still screaming in the mic while Diegas managed to balance on him back-to-back; it had to be seen. Hopefully Nick got that part on film. And during the entire set, a drunken Varg stood against the steel pole, calmly lighting off firecrackers and throwing them everywhere. It seemed he was really trying to blow up part of the drumset or Farn himself. At one point, he just lit a whole bundle and threw it right in the middle of the pit and Matt ran right over them while they exploded. Amazing that he wasn't scorched. Before they played "Spider", Matt announced Mike was indeed gay and that his boyfriend was in attendance, and then yelled "Michael Stefnik is a dick-in-the-ass faggot!". Someone, I wish I knew who, then responded "So's Varg!"...and everyone cheered like crazy. They then played an absolutely furious version of "Spider" and all the hatred filled the room, along with a bigger and bigger cloud of gunpowder smoke. Sweat and smoke filled my eyes, as though moshpits weren't disorienting enough at times. It was ridiculous, the mutually assured violence between friends. Song ends with smiles and hugs all around, and, of course, a sieg heil or two from Matt. I doubt the whole set took more than 15 minutes, but that was a truly memorable and cathartic experience. My year in hardcore has mostly been filled with either waiting to see this band or actually seeing them. They always deliver and the music is not to be ignored. It, in fact, invades your personal space. And Matt has an uncanny lyrical ability that captures all the bullshit frustrations of dealing with bullshit people in a bullshit world. But now that's coming to an end, I guess. But it was all worth it, no regrets. Heil and fuck off.
Duress is on their "final" tour before Matt & Melanie depart for Shangri-la. Their set on 6/28@Kostner House was one of the very best times I've had at a show in a year, which is how long I've been into hardcore now. So I have, by far, the least amount of experience and knowledge in this field in comparison to everyone else at a show. But I digress.
Traffic was shit from Roselle to KH and Peach, Scotty and I arrived right as Colour Wolf (klr wlv, formerly Strange Wool) was about to start. This new supergroup consists of Matt, Melanie, and Mike from Duress on bass, guitar, and drums respectively, and los Hermanos Campos, Spider on the mic, Varg on the guitar. I've known HC forever and this was the first I ever got to see them play live together. Spider had his t-shirt tucked into some worn-in gym shorts, a crazed but calm look on his face.

"We are Colour WOLF" he began in typical Spider intonation. I was told later they sounded sloppy but I think they were spot on, even if they were fucking up. The noise began along with Spider dancing and mule-kicking like a maniac. The first lyrics ended up being screamed inches from my face while Adam grabbed my shirt like I was in for a beatdown. I had no idea what he was saying and hadn't even heard any of their songs up to that point. The next 4 minutes were a blur of swinging fists and Spider's insane vocals. Less than a minute in, EvanB smashed someone's nose (Schuman I think) and blood was drawn. I was trying to mosh and got in some good runs, but was staying clear of Adam's feet which were usually speeding right past my testicles. He played futbol for a long time; that's just bad news. At some point I did hit my face on Melanie's guitar, but the very top of it, where it's pointed. That swelled up nice over the next couple days. And before I knew it, after 4 songs their set was over. I gathered myself and was making my way out where I saw a sweaty Varg lighting up a corncob pipe, a picturesque moment. I told him it was "alright". He ignited a firecracker and threw it at me.
We spent the next couple hours in the perfect June weather drinking PBR and smoking all sorts of dope and cigarettes. Organized Sports from Portland played a bit later and fuck were they good. There was little moshing but I think it was their first time out here and people just seemed to be enjoying the first impression.
After their set, I took a walk to the car to ditch my smokes, lest they be crushed by stampeding straight edge kids. As I was walking along the side of the house I could hear a discussion between members of two particular bands, and it was heating up. By the time I walked back, it was a full-on shouting match. And it was over issues that began months ago, because of a certain flyer for a certain record release show. Like I said, I'm still pretty new to this so I'm not exactly qualified to comment on this beef but conflict is just interesting, and I wouldn't turn away from a public argument. It's a shame that friends divide over such things, but I respect people for standing behind what they say. So I was glad that Matt came in and ended that shit and proceeded directly to the basement to start the second-to-last Duress show in Chicago. And what better way to prompt a Duress set than a heated argument? Mike and Crucial Kyle were tuned up, letting the feedback bleed out from the amps, creating that abrasive atmosphere of impending destruction that I've come to love at shows. Melanie picked up her bass, Matt his mic: "I'm 25 years old! I don't have a fucking job and I live with my parents!"
Then the riot began. The only songs I specifically remember hearing were "Asshole" somewhere in the middle and "Spider" as their closer. The crowd (the few that came and could actually fit in that basement) was moshing belligerently, perhaps because we all knew this era was coming to an end. Ha, "era", like I've been around for SO LONG, like I'm some fucking historian. But that was kind of how it felt. The set seemed just a big "fuck off" to all those that turned on Duress in judgement and those that never liked 'em to begin with. If I had time to think in this moshpit, that's probably what would've been on my mind, all those people I once thought highly of or believed in, but who turned out to fail me instead. At one point, I put someone in a headlock and wrung them around; Diego, maybe. If so, my bad, dude, I was caught up in the moment. But after the next song, Matt called out Diego on the mic, who was now in the corner conversing with a female. "Diego's having real talk WITH A GIRL!" Music played and Matt literally fucking attacked him and ended up on all fours still screaming in the mic while Diegas managed to balance on him back-to-back; it had to be seen. Hopefully Nick got that part on film. And during the entire set, a drunken Varg stood against the steel pole, calmly lighting off firecrackers and throwing them everywhere. It seemed he was really trying to blow up part of the drumset or Farn himself. At one point, he just lit a whole bundle and threw it right in the middle of the pit and Matt ran right over them while they exploded. Amazing that he wasn't scorched. Before they played "Spider", Matt announced Mike was indeed gay and that his boyfriend was in attendance, and then yelled "Michael Stefnik is a dick-in-the-ass faggot!". Someone, I wish I knew who, then responded "So's Varg!"...and everyone cheered like crazy. They then played an absolutely furious version of "Spider" and all the hatred filled the room, along with a bigger and bigger cloud of gunpowder smoke. Sweat and smoke filled my eyes, as though moshpits weren't disorienting enough at times. It was ridiculous, the mutually assured violence between friends. Song ends with smiles and hugs all around, and, of course, a sieg heil or two from Matt. I doubt the whole set took more than 15 minutes, but that was a truly memorable and cathartic experience. My year in hardcore has mostly been filled with either waiting to see this band or actually seeing them. They always deliver and the music is not to be ignored. It, in fact, invades your personal space. And Matt has an uncanny lyrical ability that captures all the bullshit frustrations of dealing with bullshit people in a bullshit world. But now that's coming to an end, I guess. But it was all worth it, no regrets. Heil and fuck off.
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